
VBS Last Week

I wasn't going to post about VBS because I feel like EVERYONE is talking about it and probably sick of hearing about it, but I just had to. This was the first year I actually taught a class instead of doing music or crafts or something. I had second graders and they were AWESOME!!!!!

The theme this year, which I am sure you all know by now, was Colossal Coaster World. I was out of town the week before so I missed out on the decorating which I love. Paula one of the other teachers text me and said that she had no idea what to do and that she wasn't good at it, but when I got there Monday morning I was kind of blown away. They did such a great job!

The kids were so incredible. They had such sweet answers to all of the questions and they were just so cute and cared about each other. The Gospel is so simple to these precious kids. They love Jesus and aren't afraid to ask questions or say what they believe. It was a sweet reminder of child like faith and joy last week. And I most definitely needed that little reminder. God is so good!

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