
Remember all those things I promised you?

Okay so it has been crazy lately (or at least I feel like it has) God has been doing awesome things.
I feel like because of those things I haven't been able to blog as much lately, BUT those crazy things are more important if we're being honest, right? Yes! Right! So, update on the crazy AWESOME things He is doing first:

My sister decided to give up a few months of her own agenda and life to go to Canada and serve as a volunteer with a church and help with all of their stuff. She truly went up there on faith and trusting that God would provide and show her each and every step that He has planned out for her. It has been an adjustment, but God is totally in control and I know He has big plans for her and her ministry there. I am so excited for her, because God works all things for the good of those who love Him and who have been called according to His purpose, and that purpose is perfect! So what more could we want, right?

He has been teaching me personally a new a refreshed sense of my need for Him and ONLY Him. How he really and truly is Everything and He alone can meet absolutely every single one of my needs. He is good and He is righteous. I love it, but there is some discipline that comes along with learning that over and over that is hard to truly submit to somedays. Dying to ourselves isn't an easy calling, but it's one that is rewarded with ETERNAL SALVATION and Life with an AWESOME God! On top of that, I have been trying to just rest in the freedom that He gives us to boldly live a life that glorifies Him and His name above all other things. I feel like there has been some pride and insecurity in my life that I haven't truly let go of or handed over to Him until very recently and there is NOTHING that compares to giving up our absolute ALL to God, seriously, nothing! To live in the freedom and power that God gives us through the Holy Spirit is mind boggling sometimes to think about, but worth every ounce of giving up "ME" for Him and His wonderful purpose.

Okay, now for those little things I have been promising you, the updates on DIY/Craft projects, Before/Afters, etc.

Here's the first:

Do you remember this little post? 

Here is the reveal of Krissie's birthday present

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