
Thankful Thursday: In Pitt Meadows...

We're here. Well, we've been here for a day and a half now, it feels like longer. I feel like we've known Josh and Lisa forever. I love them so much! Gosh! I wish I could explain on here just exactly the heart that God has given them. I haven't ever met anyone with a testimony quite like Lisa's. God is doing an amazing work here in and through their lives. I have been abundantly blessed by them.

Yesterday was so good to finally get out of the van for more than just a few hours or 30 minutes in Washington. We had dinner (actually it was lunch, but I truly thought it was dinner and I didn't have my phone, because of international rates, to be able to tell the time) with the family and met all of them. The kids are so cute and I want to take them all home with us, especially the baby. Seriously, the cutest and sweetest baby ever.

Today was kind of a crazy (good crazy) day, to start off, I couldn't hardly get out of bed this morning, I slept so hard last night. It took about 20 minutes to have the effort just to turn over in bed, but then I decided if I didn't get up, I wasn't getting coffee. I got up. As we we're getting ready Caleb and Josh knocked on the door. So I went down and told them we're almost ready, which I'm sure they knew (because it's a universal lady's reputation, that the phrase, "I'm almost ready," is not true. So I went back upstairs and Olivia and I put it in "rabbit." Then we went to meet up with everyone at Josh and Lisa's house. They went to their oldest son's school play and we went to prayer walk. Which was pretty cool it rained on us pretty much the whole time and we had the sweet sweet baby, Mikah Bradley, with us. We prayer walked the entire parade route and the area by the end of the parade where they will have all of the Pitt Meadows Day stuff set up.

As we were walking back into the housing community where they live, they were driving out with Caleb (their Caleb) on their way to the doctor, because he got hit with a hockey stick in the face. Thankfully he didn't need stitches, but he definitely didn't feel good. Milaya, their oldest girl painted Olivia and my nails all sorts of colors and the boys played some lego game with Eli, we just hung out and played with the other kids while they were getting Caleb's eye checked out.

After they got home, we headed to Vancouver to pick up some stuff for Pitt Meadows Day and the block party that we're doing Kid's Rock at. A lot of prayer has gone into today. I can not wait until Kid's Rock and Pitt Meadows Day out here. The Lord has been so gracious and kind to teach me so much already on this trip. Teaching me to pray for these people is one of them. This trip is not like most, I literally had no idea what to pray for except just ask God to bless Josh and Lisa and use us in whatever way possible. Not to say that is not still my prayer, but He is so good to lay things on our hearts to pray for and to give us the time to hear from Josh and Lisa on what goes on here and the vision that the Lord has given them on where He wants to take them and areas He needs them to work in obedience and trust. It has been so cool. They are so obedient in all of it too. I have been so encouraged by the faith they have to allow God's plan for their life, no matter what the cost. God has been so faithful to allow them to see His blessings on them in their obedience and His provision in the midst of a dramatic lifestyle change in another country and culture that's far from family and friends. He is providing new family and friends along the way though. Our host family is a great example.

We seriously just stayed up until 1:30 talking with them. Their story is so cool. They were both born and raised in Canada. So, talking with them about the culture and the response of the people to the need for Jesus, was not necessarily different, but just from an insiders prospective. I'm not a cryer, but I cried last night as we were all talking, just broken for the people here. The Christians and non-Christians both. The Christians, because I can't imagine living in a place, especially my entire life, that was so incredibly lost and completely complacent with it. The non-Christians, because well, obviously they need Jesus. Being here gives me a new vision for what Jesus means when He says that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. That explains this place to a T. They have such authentic faith. It is such a different concept to be permanently or for a long period in a place where Jesus' name isn't widely known like in the "Bible belt." There aren't any "Trust Me -God" billboards around here. God is working here in Pitt Meadows, though, and He has been so faithful just in the past day to reveal to us specific ways to pray for them and encourage them. He has definitely allowed us to see exactly why He called each of us here.

Sometimes, I think we go into "mission trips" thinking that we are called, but we don't know why or can't pin point exactly what He is calling us to. I think, for Olivia and I, especially, we have had both just felt that there was a specific purpose in us coming, and He has been so good to allow us to see that come full circle. He has allowed us to see that prayer be answered.

Going really quick back to specific ways to pray, here are a few ways that you can be praying for them, this week specifically and just in general after this week.  Saturday is Pitt Meadows Day, and there will be a parade that they have a float in. This is a great opportunity to meet people and initiate the start of relationships with people, pray that God would send hungry and thirsty people that God will use  the people of Church on the Rock to make disciples and workers here in this plentiful harvest. Pray for Kid's Rock tonight that God would send the kids there that need Him who have soft hearts and eyes and ears that are ready and able to see and hear Him. Long term, encouragement. I can't imagine being up here and not having the constant encouragement like we have at home. There are also two different areas I can't remember the name of but I will find out for sure that God has laid on their hearts to start going into and my prayer is just God's provision on the vision that He has given them. That He opens doors to these places and gives them the answers they need on when and how to go about being a part of those communities. The church in general (I know we're all one church, but you know what I mean), pray that God would send workers to the church. That He would send people that just want more of Him and desire to reach people for His name and glory. Pray that God would move in power here in this place and it would be evident. There are lots of things to pray for. Just that the lost would be found and the blind would see. That is how I feel this place is just blind to the fact that they need Him.

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