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Hi my name is Lacy. First off THANK YOU for visiting my site! I am learning how to blog better everyday. If you have any questions about me or my blog you can visit my About page. If you don't have any questions, but care at all to browse my blog, I would really appreciate that! I am not sure how you got here, but I'm glad you did, grab a cup of coffee (or tea, or whatever) and join me. I'm sure with as much time as I spend on here I am probably writing something…right now…so feel free to leave me comments, message me, ask random questions, etc. I am usually here with a cute (not that it makes a difference, right?) cup of good ol' Joe. Listening to my iTunes or Spotify playlist on repeat, typing away and talking to my dog every few minutes when he so sweetly comes and lays his little head on the chair next to mine, gives me those "I really love you and I'm being so sweet, you do want to pet me, don't you?" eyes and I obviously pet his little belly, I know he's spoiled, but seriously… it's just, well could you resist?